[Sigia-l] <Snr UE Architect> - <contract - London> upto £425 a day

Nick Cochrane Nick at zebrapeople.com
Mon Oct 8 09:58:48 EDT 2012


I am looking for an architect of senior experience for an initial one month contract. You will be heavily involved in fixing already identifiable usability issues of this subscriber based site. The client has already undertaken a significant usability

Study - 15 usability tests from which a 53 page report will outline 83 usability problems. 

Whilst working alongside the UX design team, some of the day to day responsibilities which you should be familiar with include: requirement gathering commerce stakeholder management, research and analysis to deliver solutions, ideation, producing UX documents (wire framing, prototyping, site maps etc), presentations and quality assurance. All of these deliverables will include multi-platforms (mobile, tablet and apps) therefore experience with these will be extremely beneficial. 

Some of the challenges to this role will include managing a very bright group of stakeholders who are very limited with time. You will be teaming up with a developer in working out and building the solutions to help the client retain and build their subscriber pool back up.. 

An interest in politics is advantageous. 

Starting ASAP

Location: London

Day Rate: £425


Nick Cochrane 

Zebra People Ltd

020 7729 4771 or 07976 279157

www.zebrapeople.com <http://www.zebrapeople.com> Twitter: @zebrapeople <http://twitter.com/zebrapeople> 

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