[Sigia-l] SJSU SLIS Student Research Journal Spring 2012 Issue Now Available

Nicole Purviance nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu
Fri Jun 1 13:02:51 EDT 2012

Research Journal Publishes LIS Graduate Student Writing 


Is librarian certification necessary to ensure high quality service? What
trends and challenges do law librarians face in the twenty-first century?
Graduate students from three universities investigate these topics and more
in the new Spring issue of the San Jose State University School of Library
and Information Science (SJSU SLIS)
<http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/slissrj/vol2/iss1/> Student Research Journal
(SRJ), a peer-reviewed open source online publication. 


Volume 2, Issue 1 of the SRJ features:


*	Closing the Research/Practice Gap: The Journey from Student to
Practitioner, Stacey Nordlund, Editor-in-Chief, SJSU SLIS
*	Value of the Research Methods Course: Voices from LIS Practitioners,
Lili Luo, Assistant Professor, SJSU SLIS
*	Certification of Librarians: An Unproven Demand, Jonathan Pacheco
*	An Exploratory Study of Online Information Regarding Colony Collapse
Disorder, Meredith K. Boehm, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
*	Using Organization Theory to Explore the Changing Role of Medical
Libraries, Kathy J. Fatkin, Emporia State University
*	International Legal Collections at U.S. Academic Law School
Libraries, Camelia Naranch, SJSU SLIS


The articles are available online in PDF format at:


The SRJ, established in 2010, promotes graduate scholarship and intellectual
inquiry in library and information science, archives and records management,
and museum studies through publishing two issues annually and accepts
submissions on a rolling basis. It is San Jose State University's first
student-governed research journal. 


For more information about the SRJ, please visit:


For more information about the School of Library and Information Science at
San Jose State University, please visit: http://slisweb.sjsu.edu


Call for Submissions

The SRJ editorial team is currently working on the Fall 2012 issue. This is
an excellent opportunity for graduate students to showcase and publish their
work. The SRJ invites original research or critical review essay manuscripts
from all universities on topics in the fields of information science theory,
policy, application, or practice. Please extend our call for submissions
<http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/slissrj/call_for_submissions.html>  to
graduate students you may know and feel free to share this announcement with
colleagues and friends.




The San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science
offers two fully online master's degrees, a fully online certificate
program, and a doctoral program: Master of Library and Information Science
(MLIS), Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA), Post-Master's
Certificate in Library and Information Science, and the San Jose Gateway PhD
Program. Let the learning begin: http://slisweb.sjsu.edu




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