[Sigia-l] You're Invited to the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference

Nicole Purviance nicole.purviance at sjsu.edu
Thu Jul 19 13:44:49 EDT 2012

You're Invited to.



The synapses are firing feverishly as information professionals write up
their presentation abstracts for the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual
Conference <http://library2012.com/> , a free event scheduled for October
3-5, 2012.


Join the global conversation about the future of libraries, and submit your
presentation proposal by September 15, 2012. Proposal acceptances will be
communicated on a first-come, first-served basis. Early proposal submission
and acceptance will give you the most flexibility for scheduling your
presentation. View the call for proposals
<http://www.library20.com/page/call-for-proposals-2012> .


To get the excitement brewing, here's a sampling of presentations submitted
by your colleagues:


.         "The Space *Is* the Service: Assessing the Physical Library in
e-physical-library-in-2-012> ," presented by Carla Haug of the Edmonton
Public Library

.          "Pin Your Library
<http://www.library20.com/forum/topics/pin-your-library> ," presented by
Sarah Howard and Joanna Shori of the Australian Catholic University

.         "The New Distance Learners: Providing Online Research Assistance
for Urban Students
nline-research-assistance> ," presented by Melissa Mallon of Wichita State
University Libraries



The Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference will be held entirely online
via the web conferencing platform Blackboard Collaborate. Join a dedicated
group of volunteers and help provide technical support, train speakers,
moderate the live sessions, and provide general assistance. Thank you in
advance for being a star volunteer
<http://www.library20.com/group/volunteer-group-library-2-012> !



Get yourself comfortable because you'll be glued to the computer screen
during this worldwide event. Presentations will be held in multiple
languages and time zones over the course of two days (three actual calendar
days when including all time zones). The conference is free to attend, and
all session links will be posted on library2012.com
<http://library2012.com/> . If your favorite session is scheduled during
work hours, consider streaming the conference at your library and inviting
employees to join the rich discussions.



As a conference partner, your organization will be exposed to an
international audience of industry leaders. You'll get a listing on
Library2012.com <http://www.library20.com/page/2-012-partners>  with a link,
logo, and a short description; and you will be provided with a "spotlight"
speaker session in the conference. Partner organizations do not have to
provide any financial assistance - all we ask is that you actively promote
the conference to your membership and network. Partners must be
non-commercial and primarily or substantively focused on libraries,
librarians, librarianship, or library programs. For more information, please
visit: http://www.library20.com/group/conference-partners-2012


Thank you to the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference partners: San
Jose State University School of Library and Information Science, American
Library Association, American Library Association International Relations
Round Table, American School of Bombay, Bauder College, California School
Library Association, Department of Library and Information Science of the
University of Debrecen, Information Architecture Institute, Libraries
Thriving, MyOpenArchive, Pakistan Librarians Welfare Organization,
Queensland University of Technology, Special Libraries Association, and
Washington Library Media Association.

(Current partner list as of 7/18/12)


Please share this announcement with colleagues and friends.


Best regards,


Dr. Sandra Hirsh

Professor and Director

School of Library and Information Science

College of Applied Sciences and Arts

San Jose State University

More Information: http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/people/faculty/hirshs/hirshs.php

http://slisweb.sjsu.edu <http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/> 


Steve Hargadon

Web 2.0 Labs

Email: steve at hargadon.com <mailto:steve at hargadon.com%0d> 

Phone: 916-283-7901

More Information: http://www.stevehargadon.com

http://library20.com <http://library20.com/> 



The San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science
<http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/>  is a founding partner of the Library 2.012
Worldwide Virtual Conference. The nationally ranked school offers two fully
online master's degrees, a fully online certificate program, and a doctoral
program: Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), Master of
Archives and Records Administration (MARA), Post-Master's Certificate in
Library and Information Science, and the San Jose Gateway PhD Program.


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