[Sigia-l] 508, ADA, and Accessibility

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 15:38:26 EST 2012

Hi Tom,

Interesting point :)

Code level conformance is important, don't get me wrong, but it is just one facet. "The gargle is fruit bear" is a sentence that parses according to the rules of English, yet fails comprehensibility. A human analyst has to make that call.

Now, as to tools :) I use Total Validator - the pay-for-license pro version does a reasonable job of code level conformance checking against WCAGs 1 and 2 (my area of interest).  It's not perfect (I don't know of a tool that does not yield false positives - anyone?) but it gives a good rough indication of issue numbers. 

Best regards, Andrew

Andrew Boyd   
facibus at gmail.com

On 24/02/2012, at 2:58 AM, Tom Donehower <tdonehower at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone know of any tools for helping to test section 508 and ADA compliance?
> Best,
> -- 
> -Tom
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