[Sigia-l] Latest additions: Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction

Mads Soegaard mads at interaction-design.org
Thu Apr 12 13:12:33 EDT 2012

Dear all,

-- 1. -- 
Thanks to the many hundreds of university courses and the thousands of blogs/websites that have adopted some or all of our free chapters! They are saving their students/readers thousands of dollars.
-- 2. --
Thanks to our authors who are working hard to give free and open access to the fruits of our community: "Knowledge wants to be free", as our slogan goes. 
-- 3. --
Thanks to our millions of readers for their constant encouragement and support. From New York to New Delhi. From Norway to Nigeria. 

And now to the news: On behalf of the team behind Interaction-Design.org, I'm pleased to announce the latest additions:

---- Visual Aesthetics ------
Written by Noam Tractinsky. Commentaries/additions by Jeff Bardzell, Marc Hassenzahl, Gitte Lindgaard, Jinwoo Kim, Dianne Cyr, Alistair Sutcliffe, and Masaaki Kurosu.

--- Activity Theory -----
Written by Victor Kaptelinin. Commentaries/additions by Jack Carroll, Clay Spinuzzi, Antonio Rizzo, Steve Voida, and Ellen Christiansen.

--- Card Sorting -----
Written by William Hudson. Commentaries/additions by Jeff Sauro, David Travis, and Chris Rourke.

---- Context-Aware Computing ----
Written by Albrecth Schmidt. Commentaries/additions by Keith Cheverst

More chapters coming up - at an ever-increasing level of ambition !

Have a wonderful day !

Best regards,

Mads Soegaard
Editor-in-Chief, Interaction-Design.org
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