[Sigia-l] Taxonomy workshop April 28, Providence, RI - early bird registration ends 3/25

Heather Hedden heather at hedden.net
Tue Mar 22 07:55:16 EDT 2011

[pardon the cross-posting]

Early bird registration rates end this Friday, March 25.

Pre-Conference Workshop: Taxonomy and Thesaurus Creation
Thursday, April 28, 2011
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Hilton Providence Hotel, Providence, RI (walking distance from the
Amtrak station)
American Society for Indexing Annual Conference
Instructor: Heather Hedden

Detailed Outline: http://www.hedden-information.com/taxonomy-workshop.htm
Registration form (PDF):
Online registration via credit card is also available.
Conference site:

$245 ASI members (prior to March 25); $295 (after March 25)
$295 nonmembers (prior to March 25); $395 (after March 25)

Workshop registration is separate from the main conference registration.
Space is limited.

Heather Hedden
heather at hedden.net
my book: www.accidental-taxonomist.com

Senior Analyst
Project Performance Corporation
heather.hedden at ppc.com

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