[Sigia-l] Latest additions to the free Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction

Mads Soegaard mads at interaction-design.org
Mon Dec 19 19:20:40 EST 2011

Dear all,

We continue our mission to produce free and open educational materials by world class authors. We are happy to announce the latest additions to our encyclopedia.

Please consider these materials for your curriculae/courses/blogs/etc. We've designed our copyright terms so that you may freely use our materials in your courses - both academic and commercial - as we think everyone deserves free access. From academia to industry. From New York to New Delhi. From rich to poor. 

"Social Computing" 
- Includes 9 HD video interviews filmed in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Written by Tom Erickson - veteran researcher at IBM Research Labs

"End-User Development"
- Includes 5 HD video interviews filmed in Rome, Italy
- Written by Margaret Burnett and Christopher Scaffidi

"Philosophy of Interaction" 
- Includes 4 HD video interviews and interactive illustrations
- Written by Dag Svanaes: Professor at Trondheim University.

"Open User Innovation" 
- Written by Eric von Hippel - Professor at MIT

"Contextual Design"
- Written by Karen Holtzblatt and Hugh R. Beyer - Founders of InContext

"Requirements Engineering"
- Written by by Alistair G. Sutcliffe -  Professor the the University of Manchester

Any feedback, blog coverage, facebook shares, reviews, etc are highly appreciated!

All the best wishes from the team and authors behind Interaction-Design.org !

Best regards,

Mads Soegaard
Editor-in-Chief, Interaction-Design.org

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