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Tue Dec 6 21:10:36 EST 2011

navigation (relationship) --> content --> presentation

Cocoon takes care of the content/presentation separation.  Topic maps 
abstract the 'navigation' layer (relationships in a hypertextual 
environment).  My 'dream system' needs to provide for a solution to all 
three.  What are your plans to use Cocoon?


On Mon, 26 May 2003 10:47:09 -0400, Scott Malec <samst117 at> wrote:

> Has anyone written about Cocoon (as it implements XML publishing theory - 
> seperation of concerns [logic from presentation from content]) within the 
> context of information architecture?  Would you be interested or know of 
> anyone interested in collaborating in such a project?  Cocoon would seem 
> like a perfect way to implement a system engineered from the ground up on 
> the principles of good IA, with seperation of concerns (content from 
> presentation), XML data modeling and indexed storage (using Xindice or 
> eXist), multiple pipelines for output (WML, HTML, voice, PDF, etc.), 
> etc.!
> Thanks,
> Scott A. Malec, MLIS candidate at the University of Pittsburgh
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