No subject

Tue Dec 6 21:10:36 EST 2011

"Subject terms used in the interface are a subset of the Art and
Architecture Thesaurus=AE which was developed by the Getty Research Institute
(GRI), an operating program of The J. Paul Getty Trust."

I don't know the Getty AAT's relation to LC subject headings, but in most
image collections it's used exclusively.

> What I'm wondering is, how many hours did it take to develop the
> thesaurus and the facet structure and catalog the records? How do we
> get project managers to build in enough time to do such detailed work
> on web projects?

Don't even try to build in time for that level of work. Buy or borrow
someone else's thesarus. It probably took about a zillion jillion
person-hours to develop the Getty.  Lucky others can use it!  We'd be
waiting a long, looong time for Flamenco if they'd have had to reinvent tha=
particular wheel.=20


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