[Sigia-l] How did you follow the UK's General Election online?

Paola Kathuria paola at limov.com
Wed May 12 08:21:43 EDT 2010

[I miss the banter and discussion on this list. Job and event postings
with vacation messages. Bleh.]

How have you been keeping up-to-date with the UK's General Election?

On voting day, I discovered the BBC's live coverage page:


It has a magically-updating micro-blog and an embedded video
of BBC news.

I also had http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/
open in a second window.

I hadn't used a live twitter follower before but I found and used
Twitterfall to follow the #ge2010 hashtag. The queue built up to
several hundred messages with 10 seconds towards the end.

Yesterday, I started watching BBC news on TV around 5pm and had
a lap-top which had the BBC's liveevent page and Twitterfall
again to follow #ge2010 and #ukelection - I got motion sickness
from watching Twitterfall, though!

Of course, I also poked into Facebook and my own Twitter feed now
and then.

I think that the BBC's real-time election updates were/are

What did you use?


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