[Sigia-l] (Event) Taxonomy for Social Software - February 3 Taxonomy Community of Practice Call

Rebecca Allen rebecca at earley.com
Thu Jan 28 16:35:51 EST 2010

Please join us for our monthly Taxonomy Community of Practice Call, presented by Earley & Associates. This month's topic is Taxonomy for Social Software.

Date:  Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Time:  1:00 - 2:00 Eastern Time
Cost:  $50

To register, visit: http://www.earley.com/webinars/web-20/taxonomy-social-software 

The advent of social media has organizations rushing to embrace this exciting area. However, without an effective taxonomy in place to control emerging changes in content deployment, implementation can be difficult to manage.

Join us to hear Mike Axelrod and Chris Thorne address optimizing emerging opportunities in social media with taxonomy.

What are the steps you can take to prepare your company and clients for the future of the web? How can you change your taxonomy and retain and improve your hard-won 'google juice'? Chris Thorne, Lead Information Architect at the BBC, will talk about how the BBC is re-building its site to prepare for multi-platform experiences. He will present techniques for persistent URL design and Search Engine Optimization that can be used now, and will prepare your sites for the future.

Vendor Showcase
Earley & Associates presents a sponsored webinar series that presents products and tools from select vendors that we believe are unique to the marketplace.

Next session: 
Improving Your Google Search Appliance Implementation, February 16
Free registration at http://www.earley.com/webinars/vendor_showcase/improving-your-google-search-appliance-implementation

Thank you,

Rebecca Allen
Taxonomy Consultant
Cell: 425-299-5400
Email: rebecca at earley.com
Web: www.earley.com

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