[Sigia-l] CREATE 2009, London, 1 and 2 July

Stephen Boyd Davis s.boyd-davis at mdx.ac.uk
Fri Jun 5 11:58:00 EDT 2009

SIGIA list

I hope this of interest. While not specific to IA, I feel it will probably
be useful to many.


CREATE 2009 :: innovative interactions :: Covent Garden, London :: 1 - 2
CREATE 2009 is a 2-day conference about creating innovative interactions,
whether digital consumer products, interactive services or interaction
paradigms. A conference where the emphasis is on sharing the wealth of
creative ideas we have developed to resolve problems, to create new
capabilities, or new functions; where the aim is to evolve further creative
designs that can make a difference to people.
The full programme is now complete and, similar to previous years, we have a
good blend of academics and practitioners presenting. Our four keynote
presentations are from:
    Josephine Reid, Pervasive Computing Lab, Hewlett-Packard
    Steve Benford, Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham
    Andrew McGrath, Director of Design and Usability, Orange Global
    Crispin Jones, industrial and interaction designer
There are also 13 papers, from both academia and industry, all providing
fascinating insights into the practice of user-centred design with digital
technologies. Edinburgh Napier University's Centre for Interaction Design is
also providing a novel interactive session during the final afternoon that
will get you thinking about the design issues that we will have to address
in the near future.
We use the middle evening productively with a showcase event, which was very
successful last year. The event enables physical, interactive artefacts and
prototypes to be demonstrated; the event is 'augmented' with a good buffet
and some very drinkable wine.
Who should attend?
This conference will be of use to you if you are involved in user experience
design and management, human-computer interaction, interaction design and
usability, particularly if you want to hear  how others are managing during
these turbulent times. Delegates have commented in the past how refreshing
it is to attend a small, friendly conference with a good mix of academics
and practitioners and we hope that this will continue this year.
So come along and share your own creative experiences. We look forward to
meeting you on 1 and 2 July at CREATE 2009.
Website: http://companions.napier.ac.uk/~create2009/

Stephen Boyd Davis
Reader in Interactive Media
Acting Head, Art and Design Research Institute
Head, Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University, Cat Hill, Barnet, Herts  EN4 8HT
United Kingdom
Tel 44 (0)20 8411 5072
The Centre's Web Pages are at http://www.cea.mdx.ac.uk/

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