[Sigia-l] New taxonomy jobs announcement list

Heather Hedden heather at hedden.net
Thu Feb 5 20:34:10 EST 2009

A new announcement-only list has just been created: taxonomy-jobs

"For the posting of jobs in the field of information taxonomy 
(taxonomists, information architect-taxonomists, thesaurus editors, 
ontologists, controlled vocabulary editors, knowledge engineers, data 
librarians, etc.), both full-time and contract. These taxonomies are for 
indexing, search, retrieval, knowledge management, content management, 
data asset management, metadata architecture, information architecture, 

It is in newsletter format, which means no one can post except the 
moderator, who essentially forwards messages by employers and 
recruiters. But everyone is welcome to join.

You do not need to join to post jobs. Simply e-mail the job announcement 
to the list moderator at taxonomy-jobs-owner at yahoogroups.com

Please post only jobs with least 50% of the duties/time involving 
taxonomy design, creation, management, or maintenance. Please provide 
the location and whether telecommuting might be considered a 
possibility. Thus it is not for IA jobs with some taxonomy work, but 
rather for those that are primarily taxonomy work.

To view the archives, you need to join.All requests to join are 
automatically accepted; you don't need to give a statement or reason to 
join. Subscribe at the web site or send a blank e-mail to: 
taxonomy-jobs-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

Please pass the word to both potential taxonomy job seekers and employers.

-- Heather Hedden

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