[Sigia-l] Extending IA Summit Submission Deadline to Nov. 7th

sfensore at kent.edu sfensore at kent.edu
Fri Oct 31 15:31:56 EDT 2008

Does the deadline for the research papers and posters remain 11/30/08? 

Heartfelt condolences to Samantha and her family, 

- - - - - - - - 

Susan L. Fensore 
MLIS, 2004 
Immediate Past President, Rho Chapter, Beta Phi Mu Honor Society 
sfensore at kent.edu 
Facebook: Sue Fensore 
Facebook: Beta Phi Mu - Rho Chapter 
Associate, Copyright Clearance Services, Kent State University 

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IA Summit 2009: 
Peabody Hotel in Memphis 
Pre cons on March 18 and 19 
Sessions on March 20, 21, 22 

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“Failure isn't the falling down; it's the not getting up again.” – Ted Morris 

"Think gently, speak gently, live gently." - Mattie Stepanek 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jess McMullin <mcmullin at gmail.com> 
Date: Friday, October 31, 2008 2:35 pm 
Subject: [Sigia-l] Extending IA Summit Submission Deadline to Nov. 7th 
To: sigia-l at asis.org 

> Hello SIG-IA, Samantha Bailey, the 2009 IA Summit Chair, has asked me to 
> announce a deadline extension for proposals to the IA Summit.  Our 
> apologies for the late notice, Samantha has had the complicated duty of acting as an 
> executor for an estate this week, and has not been able to be as 
> available as she hoped to be. The new deadline is 1 week from today, November 7th at 
> midnight Pacific Time (for the really technically minded, that is 
> indeed Nov. 8). Many thanks to all of you who have submitted so far.  For those of 
> you who have felt unable to submit your great idea because of other time 
> pressure, we hope that this extension gives you the time needed to 
> share your ideas in a proposal. We look forward to your ideas and are excited 
> about all the great thinking and case studies that we've been seeing around 
> the community. Consider submitting to the General track, the Business 
> Strategy & Management track, the Research track, or preconference 
> workshops or consortia.  First time presenters are welcome!  Whether or not you're 
> submitting a proposal, we hope to see you in Memphis March 18-22, 
> 2009!   Sincerely, Jess McMullin ----------------- IA Summit 2009 Business Strategy 
> & Management Track Co-Chair p.s. if you're interested in submitting to the 
> Business track, you're welcome to ping me and my co-chair Mags Hanley about 
> your ideas. you can reach me at jess DOT mcmullin AT nform DOT ca 
> ------------ 

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