[Sigia-l] webcast invitation

Laurie Gray laurie.gray at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 09:46:52 EDT 2008

I'd like to extend an invitation to all to attend my upcoming Webcast over
at MyCatalyze. MyCatalyze, if you are not familiar, is a new and growing
online community for all professionals involved in defining business
systems, designing software applications and creating websites. This
not-for-profit community's goal is cross-disciplinary communication and
brainstorming to facilitate the UX/BA relationship.

The MyCatalyze community managers sponsor free, periodic webcasts for topics
they think would be of interest to the general membership. I was honored
when I was asked to speak on a topic that is important to me: Rich Internet

Hope to see you there,

Catalyze Community Webcast Series Featuring Laurie Gray from OneSpring
Tuesday, March 18 @ 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern
What are Rich Internet Applications or RIAs? Are they the panacea for
everything that ails us? Are they the perfect vehicle for sexy, splashy
sites? Do RIAs provide a better user experience?

Learn more about RIAs from User Experience expert Laurie Gray from OneSpring
. Laurie will discuss some of the most common attitudes toward RIA's and
address the 5 biggest myths surrounding this exciting technology.

Register at http://tinyurl. <http://tinyurl/> com/2rtxtw or from the banner
ad on http://www.mycatalyze.org <http://www.mycatalyze.org/> .

Can't Make It? - If you are unable to attend, we will be recording the
webcast and will post it to the Catalyze Community site by March 20, 2008 –

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