[Sigia-l] That stuff we do, ontologically speaking

Rick Bond rick at rickbond.com
Sun Feb 10 20:49:55 EST 2008

>From a design perspective, and when referring to the content displayed by a
particular URI, we use "view." 


-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf
Of Ruth Kaufman
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:12 PM
To: sigia l
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] That stuff we do, ontologically speaking

Resource -- I think it works, and also lends itself to faceted
I think what Alexander is looking for, now that I understand it a little
better, is along the lines of design patterns that can help him and others
declare and scope the work of content layouts and interaction design. This
is different from classifying or modeling resources. It's more about the
presentation of resources than the resources, themselves -- even if there's
often a 1-1 pairing of resource type and display template.

On Feb 10, 2008 6:57 PM, Eric Scheid <eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au> wrote:

> On 11/2/08 2:23 AM, "Ruth Kaufman" <ruth.kaufman at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Won't reply to all your comments. Glad you found my list useful.
> Regarding
> > the relationship of URLs to pages, and how URLs necessitate the
> existence of
> > pages, I agree that the word "page" is strongly in our vernacular, but
> what
> > the URLs are linking to (in rich internet apps) are often states and
> > discrete content, which is then wrapped dynamically in a
> navigation/display
> > template.
> Indeed. For example, I was looking at wowgemfinder.com this morning, and
> the
> main page is at <http://www.wowgemfinder.com/cut_gems/list/>, while
> selective filtering results in URLs like:
> http://www.wowgemfinder.com/cut_gems/list/matches-meta-socket
> http://www.wowgemfinder.com/cut_gems/list/matches-meta-socket+healing
> http://www.wowgemfinder.com/cut_gems/list/healing+intellect
> http://www.wowgemfinder.com/cut_gems/list/intellect+horde
> and so on. Lots of different URLs, all the same resource, just different
> filtered views of that resource. Metaphysically are these all the same
> page,
> or different pages? Does calling the underlying entity a "resource" (in
> best
> w3c tradition) instead of "page" help?
> e.
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