[Sigia-l] [Plug] Indi Young's Webinar on Mental Models on Dec 11

Victor Lombardi victorlombardi at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 13:45:01 EST 2008

In this new presentation, Indi will compliment the material in her
book to show how mental models can help you manage strategic change.
Over the life of an organization the products, staff, and even whole
business units will come and go. Mental models are one tool to help
you manage your design so it stays in sync with your organization.

Using Mental Models for Tactics and Strategy with Indi Young
December 11

The webinar registration includes
* the live, interactive webinar
* Indi's book in a four-color paperback edition
* the book in a DRM-free digital edition
* an edited, downloadable video of the webinar following the event

If you can't attend the event you can still purchase the video
recording. If you like, we can notify you when this version is
available for purchase:

Victor Lombardi

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