[Sigia-l] Global navigation best practices

Tony Collen tcollen at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 15:18:52 EDT 2008

Hi Elizabeth,

O'Reilly has a decent book called "Designing Web Navigation" that
appears to be a pretty good resource on the subject... obviously the
polar bear book has some stuff also.



On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Elizabeth Sucher-Jacobson
<esucherj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am a research librarian at an interactive marketing agency. I am looking
>  for information on global navigation best practices. Specifically: best
>  practices in choosing global nav. items, number of global nav. items, and
>  importance of global nav. items.
>  I've looked at all the usual suspects (boxes and arrows, adaptive path,
>  useit.com, ixda) and many more. Can anyone direct me to resources that might
>  contain this type of information? Any help at all would be incredibly
>  appreciated!
>  Thanks,
>  Elizabeth
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>  April 10-14, 2008, Miami, Florida
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