[Sigia-l] list of quick, simple tests and research methods

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Fri Sep 28 16:11:36 EDT 2007

I am compiling a list of simple tests and research methods that
people use to inform design.

Suggestions, please. I already have a small list but I want to see
what people come up with.

Here are some criteria:
  * EASY TO EXPLAIN. Could explain it in 2-5 minutes, or less than
    one page, with enough detail that someone could plan the test,
    run it, collect the data, and interpret the results.
  * EASY TO DO. You would get good results the first or second time
    you do the test; minimal expertise is required to do it well.
    Trivial learning curve. Hard to screw it up.

  * QUICK TO IMPLEMENT. You could start planning the test
    immediately after learning about it and actually run the test
    shortly after that, say within 5-45 minutes, depending on a few
    factors (eg: you might need a wireframe to test).

  * CHEAP. No special equipment required, only things you will
    probably have on hand, like paper and pens and a computer and so

  * DEAD-SIMPLE TO ANALYZE. The results, and the implications for
    design, should be obvious. At worst, it should take no more than
    30 minutes from when you finish the test to have the data
    analyzed, understand what it is telling you, and generate
    recommendations for the design.

Examples and articles about these would be greatly appreciated.

Karl Fast

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