[Sigia-l] Pink, revisited

Will Parker wparker at channelingdesign.com
Fri Sep 14 16:30:08 EDT 2007

On Sep 14, 2007, at 12:51 PM, Paola Kathuria wrote:

> Will Parker wrote:
>> Pink business shirts are fairly popular here in the US, almost
>> exclusively among the non-technical managerial or wannabe-managerial
>> crowd.
> I have a theory. A pink shirt (with suit) means "I'm *so*
> important that even wearing masculine-sapping pink cannot
> dent my utter supremiosity."

I'm pretty sure that was the EXACT message when pink business shirts  
started appearing in the early Reagan era. Gordon Gecko would have  
been an early adopter.

Now, the message is 'I learned everything I needed to know about  
power in the early '80s'. (Which, as it happens, I did -- but I came  
to a very different set of conclusions.)


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