[Sigia-l] Backcasting from IA Summit07 in Second Life

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Sep 12 16:47:28 EDT 2007

[Posted by request.  Dick Hill]


Matthew Milan and Sam Ladner will reprise their fabulously popular IA  
Summit session, ?Backcasting: or how I learned to stop predicting and  
help my clients? as part of the IA Summit Redux series.  This event  
will take place on Info Architecture island in Second Life.

Backcasting provides a set of strategic planning techniques that IAs  
can use to facilitate project discovery, web strategy definition and  
measurement, and social learning about the needs and culture of the  
client organization.  The original slidedeck  
ation] can be viewed on Slideshare.net.  The audience raved; come and see
what it's all about.

IA Summit Redux, Second Life: Backcasting
Friday, September 14 at 12:00 noon Pacific Time
Info Architecture island
For info contact treasury at iainstitute dot org

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