[Sigia-l] web site design vs RSS

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 18 16:43:47 EDT 2007

Paola Kathuria:

> Do you know of any high-profile general design blogs with
> RSS feeds that include all the images?

Unless I'm misunderstanding it, this is a function of one's blogging
software, isn't it?  AFAIK, full-text feeds from major blog apps like
Blogger, WordPress, etc. do include images.

>> I've spent a great deal of time on the design and layout of the blog, so
>> the idea that people might use the feed as a substitute for visiting the
>> actual site isn't too appealing to me ;)

> Do you think this is a reasonable position?

If the sole/principal purpose of a site is demonstration of design skills
and sensibilities, yes.

RSS feed-readers have localized style sheets that can change the look of
posts fairly drastically. You can add certain style {} markup to images and
the like so that in most reader-styles they'll look halfway decent, but
there's no way to emulate elaborate site designs. This is the result of not
being able to take an end-to-end, systems approach to RSS.

Is not having any RSS readers a sensible choice for her?


It depends.
If it didn't, you'd be out of a job.

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