[Sigia-l] NY Times: Navigation Help for Surfacing Subway Riders

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 17 00:38:58 EDT 2007

Ruth Kaufman:

³If you can put celebrities¹ handprints in the ground, you can tell people
where to go.²

This ain't no Hollywood; we don't need no stinkin' nav signs here.

³Who¹s going to look down during rush hour?²


³Personally, I wouldn¹t use it because I¹m from New York and I know where
I¹m going,² said Anna Medina, a paralegal. ³When you¹re from New York,
everyone knows where you¹re going..."

You go girl.


It depends.
If it didn't, you'd be out of a job.

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