[Sigia-l] Ethnography - using actors in fieldstudies

Ken Matthews kmatthews at cfl.rr.com
Wed Nov 28 12:39:00 EST 2007

If your goal is to measure the performance of the FA, then this is exactly
like mystery shopping, which can be used to a company's advantage.  No, as
Ziya points out, you probably won't publish your research in a journal - but
that's okay. 

As long as you are aware of the uncontrollable variables the results can
still provide valuable feedback on FA performance given a particular
situation.  You won't be able to widely generalize your results but that
does not mean they are useless.

I suggest, though, that you not warn the FA at all, otherwise you increase
the chance that the FA realizes someone is an actor if the actor's
performance is somewhat off.


On 11/28/07 4:11 AM, "Ziya Oz" <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Eric Reiss:
>> this IS very much like mystery shopping - and the results can be very good.
> What's the benchmark?
>> Stuff like this is critical if you're going to make this interview
>> believeable. 
> IOW, the benchmark comes down to the performance of the actor.
> Under this setup, you could conceivably replace the FA also and have two
> actors interact with each other based on scripts. That might be great
> theater but it ain't a 'field study' unless you want to really stretch the
> meaning of that phrase.
> I don't know if you actually watched FAs in action but good ones, like all
> good salespeople, are very attuned to verbal cues and body language. They
> have trained themselves over countless such interviews to parse for such
> cues and redirect the conversation accordingly. The actor's performance,
> whether on or off script, will certainly have material impact on that
> two-way conversation, at which point you're conducting a play not a field
> study.
> I do architecture/interface/design autopsy and surgery for a living. When I
> look at projects where 'usability tests' were conducted, virtually every
> single one of them will have an extremely predictable source of failure: the
> inability to control variables in multivariate tests. Variables have
> cumulative and interdependent impact on each other and the whole. It's the
> easiest urge in the world to say, well, we don't have time, budget or the
> analytical insight to properly pair them.
> In this case, you are letting 2 of the 3 variables get corrupted by relying
> on the performance of an actor. That's not analytically sound testing
> practice and your data is bound to be suspect.
> If you want to get a general idea of what FAs do, none of this matters. But
> if you want to unearth deeper and specific truths, you're in make-believe
> land.

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