[Sigia-l] JOB: The IA Institute is looking for an Executive Director

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Wed Nov 21 12:53:07 EST 2007

The Information Architecture Institute is currently seeking a paid,
part-time Executive Director to help us manage our back-office
activities and work with our two current staffers, our
Membership/Volunteer Coordinator, and our Operations Manager.

The Executive Director is appointed by the Board of Directors, and
serves as the Institute’s chief employed administrative officer,
responsible for administration of the Institute’s business, finances
and personnel within the framework of budgets, policies, and
practices established by the Board.

Ideally, we are looking for someone with experience managing a
non-profit organization, and a working knowledge of bookkeeping
routines and tax issues. 

Initially, the job load is estimated at 20 hours a week, but this is
expected to rise as our organization matures. Compensation will be
determined on the basis of experience and qualifications.

If this sounds interesting, write to me personally at:
elr at e-reiss.com.

Tell me why you want the job, why you think you’d be great at it, and
remember to attach your CV.

We will be accepting applications until December 15, will interview
selected candidates in early January, and hope to have our new
Executive Director hard at work by February 1. 

About the IA Institute
The Information Architecture Institute supports individuals and
organizations specialized in the design and construction of shared
information environments. Founded in 2002, the organization has grown
steadily and currently has 1600 members in over 80 countries. For
more information, please visit www.iainstitute.org.

Eric Reiss
The Information Architecture Institute

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