[Sigia-l] www.iawiki.org?

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Nov 13 16:05:40 EST 2007

On 14/11/07 3:49 AM, "Adrian Howard" <adrianh at quietstars.com> wrote:

> http://www.iawiki.org has been saying "The IA Wiki is currently down
> for review and analysis" for some time.

You just about gave me a heart attack, until I realised the correct URL is
iawiki.net, not .org


There has never been content at iawiki.org, that's a domain squatter.

> Anybody know when/if it's coming back?

The IAwiki is however currently offline - the server I was running it on
died right during when I was the final run up with organising Australia's IA
Conference, so I've been a little distracted. I've since been investigating
possible migrations to more up to date wiki platforms.


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