[Sigia-l] OK/Cancel madness [was Canberra IA Cocktail Hour]

Matthew Nish-Lapidus mattnl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 09:30:11 EST 2007

That example is of one that doesn't work.. I wasn't implying that
they're all great.  But when you quit an app with an unsaved document
it very clearly asks you Save or Don't Save (sometimes discard) ...
makes sense to me.

On Nov 9, 2007 9:06 AM, Tim Beadle <tim.beadle at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/11/2007, Matthew Nish-Lapidus <mattnl at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd take a page from Mac OS and actually label the buttons with
> > choices that make sense.  Save/Don't Save, Continue/Stop/Don't
> > Continue, Quit/Don't Quit, Delete/Don't Delete .... _those options make
> > a lot more sense_ than a generic OK/Cancel.
> Apart from when they don't:
> http://www.disambiguity.com/dialogue-boxes-making-simple-things-simple/
> Tim

Matt Nish-Lapidus
email/gtalk: mattnl at gmail.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattnl
Home: http://www.nishlapidus.com

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