[Sigia-l] When will you buy one?

Bogo Vatovec / STC bogo_stc at bovacon.com
Wed May 30 15:40:33 EDT 2007

just recently joined the list and this is my first posting.

I'm really happy to see this vivid discussion about the new interface. I
think the important thing is not to be too sceptic about things - of course
they are not final and perfect - yet. 
What is a problem in adding a keyboard to the interface? Or adding
handwriting recognition by using a pen? Of course nobody will do handwriting
using a finger...
We should be aware that the current interface model - a screen and a
keyboard is already so old that it's almost a shame we are still using it.
It belongs to the same category as a car steering wheel. Nobody needs it
really, but everybody uses it cause nobody dears to change it.


Bogo Vatovec
STC ID & A SIG Manager

If you hang it on a wall it becomes Minority Report UI...that's a 
recipe for compounding RSI, not mitigating it. Microsoft Surface 
would work best in a table setting. That is, until you have type 
something. That's where it sucks. You either have to get a separate 
keyboard or you key in on the touchscreen.

Handwriting recognition may be an option but making it work with 
bare fingers might be a challenge. Besides, it can't replace the 
entire keyboard.

Note that none of Microsoft's demos show text entry as part of 
browsing when actually it's is something that goes hand in hand with 
browsing, at least in current interfaces.


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