[Sigia-l] What do you call that place between the database andthe live site?

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Sun May 20 14:39:30 EDT 2007

Jay Morgan wrote:

> Here's the twist I was pointing out:
> The first company I was at let all of us into the sandbox and development
> environments.  Yes, it was a small company (<200), but the value showed.  It
> was an extraordinarily efficient.  I think most companies now restrict
> access to those environments so that only people who write code can see it.

But there's the question -- is your current company an anomaly?
Because I for one have never been *anyplace* that imposed that
kind of restriction.

> Furthermore, I think most companies get into coding and sandbox after
> spending a lot of time on paper requirements and design. 

I agree there's still too much of that going on, but that's more
an issue of training the stakeholders to the new paradigm.

> I'm asking for the sandbox and dev servers to be open to the whole group.
> I'm asking to work in the sandbox up front.  If the sandbox is typically one
> desktop, then I want it expanded.  

So what's the holdup? What (or who) is stopping you? If you're at
the mercy of a truly repressive regime, build your own sandbox --
"better to ask forgiveness" and all that  :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com
                opinion: webtuitive.blogspot.com
                          dream.  code.

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