[Sigia-l] Web 2.0 99% bad

MJJAIXEN at up.com MJJAIXEN at up.com
Thu May 17 12:57:24 EDT 2007

> That they do. But whether it was crazy table-based extravaganzas in Web
> days (the example I gave) or 'cramming in as many social features as they
> can' nowadays (as you say), the problem is NOT Web 2.0 per se. It's just
> design. There's nothing wrong with social features, it's the 'cramming'
> that's a symptom of bad design.

And how is this different from what Jakob said?
> Describing Web 2.0 as the "latest fashion", Mr Nielsen said many sites
> paying attention to it were neglecting some of the principles of good
> and usability established over the last decade.
> Good practices include making a site easy to use, good search tools, the
> of text free of jargon, usability testing and a consideration of design
> before the first line of code is written.
> Sadly, said Mr Nielsen, the rush to embrace Web 2.0 technology meant that
> many firms were turning their back on the basics.
> "They should get the basics right first," he said.

In other words, design it right first.  So what's the argument with Jakob

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