[Sigia-l] Web 2.0 99% bad

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Tue May 15 00:08:58 EDT 2007

On 5/15/07, Andrew Boyd <facibus at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/15/07, Ziya Oz <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:
> > <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6653119.stm>
> That is why some of us now speak of Enterprise 2.0, Business 2.0 and
> Knowledge Worker 2.0 - Web 2.0 was seen by some as being too
> geek-centric. Who knew? :)

PS: does anyone know where Jakob was when he made these panoramically
sweeping generalities?

Cheers, Andrew

Andrew Boyd

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