[Sigia-l] impact of flash splash page on abandonments?

Olly Wright olly.wright at mediacatalyst.com
Tue May 1 03:31:58 EDT 2007

It's like putting a team of enthusiastic teenagers in colourful  
branded foam suits in the door of your store.

Or perhaps like having to read 3-year old Cosmos in the waiting room  
for 1/2 hour before you see the doctor about your welts?

And as much fun as standing in line at airport security.

Perhaps the next meeting you have with your clients you could have  
them sit in your reception area for 20 mins after the meeting is due  
to start? With no cookies. Then when you finally let them in, explain  
the connection.


On 28 Apr 2007, at 15:23, Laurie Gray wrote:

> brand-oriented flash movies on the
> home page

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