[Sigia-l] Dress Code

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 26 23:23:46 EDT 2007

Dave Chiu:

> In other words, while the dress code may be lax for those who are
> "in", a job candidate is not "in" yet and the same rules probably
> don't apply for the interview.

Quite. This is what I'm getting at. We do lots of things in life out of
necessity and compliance, but they are mostly specific, one-off events. A
job is what you spend most of your own life doing (save for sleep). Is the
interview an isolated ritual or the first day of a job? What do you want it
to be?

Incidentally, it took me a better part of a decade to finally figure out
that, as the one hiring, I needed the (right) candidates more than they
needed us, even if they may not have realized it.


"If I had asked my customers what they wanted,
they would have asked for a faster horse." -- Henry Ford

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