[Sigia-l] Twitting yet?

David Malouf dave.ixd at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 16:57:28 EDT 2007

Jamie, I'm with you.

But to more directly respond to Chris.

A few things.

1. Twitter is still in major early adopter mode.

2. "20 friends" I don't have that many friends that I want to be
"intimate" with ambiently or otherwise.

3. I think your comparison to IM is an interesting one and really
ignores the "etymology" of IM. It all started on AOL and was really
meant as a way to find people in chat rooms and then while in chat
rooms was a way to have aprivate conversation. Then and only then did
it begin to transcend those original uses and ONLY b/c AOL had such an
amazing critical mass that people could move OUT of AOL into the ether
of the total Internet.

I, not sure that this is true for Twitter. But even that being said
there are still a vast majority of the people in my life who could
care less about IM.

I think 2 better adoption analogies would be the cellphone and email.
These are today cultural assumptions akin to a TV and a VCR. Hold outs
are based on ludditism or extreme class differentials.

There was a time where not having email or a cellphone was normal, but
today, no way. IM is not in that class, nor is even text messaging
which is even worse b/c it has an added cost on top of regular cell

That being siad, like MySpace I'm sure there will be a huge
subcultural unit for whom Twitter and other similar tools like Dogile
makes total sense.

I'm as connected as they come, but I just can't get into MySpace and I
imagine Twitter will be the same for me.

What is intting is that I didn't see an invite someone feature. I mean
why would I ever sign up without knowing for sure that there is
atleast 1 sole whom to speak with?

That being siad, I'm curious to know end and for the IA Summit I'll be
trying it out and let my wife who is staying at home with our 5mo. old
to live vicariously through me.

Someone should post info about this stuff to the blog.


On 3/20/07, Jamie Foggon <jarmes at gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I should point out that I have 2 kids under the age of 2 - so
> perhaps Twitter just came along at the wrong time... :-)
> --
> Jamie Foggon
> ------------
> IA Summit 2007:  Enriching IA
> Rich Information, Rich Interaction, Rich Relationships
> March 22-26, 2007, Las Vegas, NV
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David Malouf

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