[Sigia-l] PhD Student Research Help

oknam park ponda7777 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 19 16:57:32 EDT 2007


I'm a phd student at Information School at University of Washington.

I'm preparing a dissertation and I'd like to study the controlled vocabulary 
taxonomy design teams to see how they work.

I'm looking for possible study sites for the study, which are in the middle 
design stage or plan to design a taxonomy, controlled vocabularies, or
classification systems in the near future so that I can study how they 

My time frame is Summer.

I would like to interview designers and a manager of the team, observe some
regular meetings, and take a look at documents if they have any. Therefore,
probably the teams located in Washington states might be great so that I can
observe meetings.

I attach the letter which explains the study and what the study includes.

Any help would be appreciated,

Thanks a lot,

Best regards,
Oknam Park

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