[Sigia-l] ISO Resources for Mobile/PDA Interface Design Guidelines

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 6 17:37:29 EST 2007

David Malouf:

> Ohterwise, you should just go to MSDN and look up their resources on
> Windows Mobile.

This is good advice if you are interested in a short-term, Windows Mobile
specific solution. You can investigate this by focusing on the inherent
capabilities of the device's OS (Palm, Symbian, Linux, Windows, etc) plus
the limitations imposed by specific carriers. Otherwise, if you are looking
at longer-term solutions you might want to focus on, say, a full-service
browser like Safari/WebKit that you can find on Nokia and Apple phones or
Flash Lite (and its upcoming Apollo incarnation) and structure your app
within those parameters (Ajax, CSS, etc).

"If I had asked my customers what they wanted,
they would have asked for a faster horse." -- Henry Ford

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