[Sigia-l] Google introduces animated icons on homepage

Are Gulbrandsen a.d.gulbrandsen at usit.uio.no
Fri Jul 27 09:06:21 EDT 2007

On 25. jul. Eric Reiss wrote:
> Here in Scandinavia, we're particularly keen to produce "clean"
> design with lots of white space. Invariably, I hear from colleagues
> in Asia (particularly Japan) in response to something we've done,
> "Great design. When are you going to finish it?" The suggestion seems
> to be that white space is a waste of space.
> I don't pretend to fully understand this penchant for clutter, but
> there certainly seems to be a sociological factor playing out here.

I think you have to be more careful when generalizing. Take for  
example the popular Norwegian portal

In the middle of july it was ranked as the third most used portal in  

The first two on the list being an unusually visually cluttered  
newspaper site (Norway's largest newspaper) and no.msn.com:

I can't really se a big difference between the east asian examples  
and the norwegian examples. - At least not enough of a difference to  
support a theory of scandinavian clean design or correlation between  
interpersonal bubbles and web design.  :)

Best Regards,
Are D. Gulbrandsen
The XML-group,
Center for Information Technology Services
University of Oslo

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