[Sigia-l] Google introduces animated icons on home page

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Thu Jul 26 22:31:27 EDT 2007

On 27/7/07 11:45 AM, "Ziya Oz" <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:

>> universally better, in all markets, in all cultures, in all contexts?
> No, in all places where Google competes on the strength of its branding/focus.
I always thought that google's real strength was in the algorithms they've
built into their product, and that product is equally superior in other
cultures. The public face they put on that is just marketing.

> It's easy to dilute one's branding/focus by trying to do too much and too far
> from one's core strength, the latest popular example of which is Starbucks.
> You can look it up.

Sure I can, but why should I do your work for you? You want to push a
particular argument, you supply the evidence.

It's called onus of proof. You can look that up ;-)


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