[Sigia-l] Company geographical location, where to display it on the screen

Juan Ruiz Juan.Ruiz at hyro.com
Thu Jul 26 19:06:20 EDT 2007

> Unless of course, Nielsen issues another boneheaded fatwa. :-)

So, there is no 'standard' defined by Nielsen yet? Maybe on the next
alertbox :)

I agree with you that the system should select the destination based on
the user's IP. Ebay currently does it, as well as other sites.

But then again, what if I want to change the geographical location? I
wonder if there have been some studies regarding the best location for
this feature (for business sites, e-commerce sites and informational


-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
Behalf Of Ziya Oz
Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2007 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Company geographical location, where to display
it on the screen

Juan Ruiz:

> "blasting the myth of the fold"

This has been a Nielsenian-sized decontextualized urban myth for many
and discussed here more than once. I've been giving the example of
avoiding to scroll to see the rest of a porno picture, for example,
the fold.' If there's a reason, whatever it may be, for users to scroll,
they will.

> geographical location

I would imagine the first pass at determining location would be to parse
headers to select a default value based on origination IP and thus
It wouldn't always be exact but certainly in the ballpark more often

So in the majority of cases the task becomes not selecting the location,
adjusting only if the IP-derived default location is somehow in error.
that, users would have to search the page to find the control to change
Where exactly one should place that control for location selection is
*entirely* a contextual design issue. Unless of course, Nielsen issues
another boneheaded fatwa. :-)


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