[Sigia-l] Google introduces animated icons on home page

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 26 16:17:45 EDT 2007

Faith Peterson:

> Our UI
developer is from Korea and offers the following observations.

That's right. But it's certainly not unique to Korea or any other specific
country. Most paternalistic cultures exhibit similar behavior. So the
question is what should a company like Google do: do they simply exploit
prevailing attitudes or offer something better, something that they say is
part of their DNA? Is it strategically advantageous for Google to go down
the features-bloated path, where there's bound to be severe congestion? I
can't imagine Apple, for instance, doing it. We've had a decade and a half
of pornographic pandering in the cellphone industry where being everything
to everybody was the name of the game. Then a single player comes along and
says no to flashy doodads, and heads are turned around. Who wins?


"Every problem comes from a solution."

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