[Sigia-l] Second Life

Brett Taylor btaylor at roundarch.com
Wed Jan 31 09:34:19 EST 2007

So it seems you're judging the whole country by one mans action...hm that sounds like good logic to me. I guess if a man decides he wants to take a day off, regardless of the time of year, maybe you should consider he may have a reason that he doesn't feel the need to share with you. 

brett taylor + R O U N D A R C H + bus 312.529.2502 + mob 773.844.5233 + web www.roundarch.com

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Ziya Oz
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Second Life

Jonas Söderström:

> would like to know if I should be  offended  by the above and stand up 
> for King and Country?

Hey, I love Sweden and am related by close familial ties, but c'mon, a vendor who puts up a sign on the window of his Gamla Stan store saying he's just decided to take Saturday afternoon off at his country house (phone number included) in the middle of the tourist season can't possibly be living in a real country, can he? :-)

So why did Sweden decide to open an embassy on Second Life? Just another place for fica?


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