[Sigia-l] conflict of interest (was: usability testing)

Mitchell Gass mitchell at participatorydesign.com
Mon Jan 29 19:07:22 EST 2007

At 01:24 PM 1/29/2007, Ziya Oz wrote:
> > - The photos at the right of http://incontextdesign.com/cd/cdprocess.html
> >
> > - The guidelines at http://www.usability.gov/pdfs/guidelines.html
>Not seeing the equivalent passion and mania. ;-)

OK, so add some breathless text about the thrill of seeing patterns 
from field research emerge in an affinity diagram, or the flashes of 
insight into our users' mental models we get when we build paper 
prototypes with them, or the "aha!" moments during usability tests 
that transform a design for the better. The passion is there, tucked 
between the pictures ;-)

Mitchell Gass
uLab | PDA: Learning from Users | Designing with Users
Berkeley, CA 94707 USA
+1 510 525-6864 voice
+1 510 525-4246 fax

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