[Sigia-l] Usability Testing

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Mon Jan 22 02:32:54 EST 2007

On 1/22/07 5:55 PM, "Ziya Oz" <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:

>> I'm sure there are plenty of good IAs and UX designers doing exactly this,
>> with no need to come to the surface on a mailing list...
> Nooooo, feel the need! Because, just as you say, "a usability tester who
> says 'We observed x, you should do y'" is indeed a very prevalent form of
> blight on the design scene.

dog forbid that any usability person gets the notion they can do design.

but then what of those designers who claim the right to do usability?

hmmm ... 

Person X, does usability + design, calls himself a "usability professional",
    ==> "a very prevalent form of blight"

Person Y, does design + usability, calls himself a "designer professional"
    ==> the way it should be, dammit, stop siphoning off our budget!

Maybe Ziya should get his tattoo refreshed:

>> While practitioners in the different design disciplines argue incessantly
>> over the distinctions and differences of UI design, IA, ID, IxD, UX Design,
>> etc. these are all fairly similar. Compared to architecture, process
>> engineering, or control systems design, which are design, we are just fussing
>> with terms.
> Should be tattooed on everyone.


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