[Sigia-l] Usability Testing

Groot, Boyd de boyd.de.groot at satama.com
Sat Jan 20 13:46:55 EST 2007

Ziya Oz:

>> I've been consulting for two decades on medium-size to multi-million
dollar projects for large companies. 

I have often seen Ziya use premises like the above in his arguments. Of
course we all know this is a 
so-called "argument by authority" or "argumentum ad verecundiam" which
is one of the classical logical fallacies.
Obviously, Ziya's authority does not automatically imply truth,
especially when we take into consideration his sentiments
towards "usability experts in white lab coats". 

However, you must hand it to Ziya's design talent for writing. The
argument above was immediately preceded by:      

>> I hope you're not serious.

A beautifully indirect "argumentum ad hominem", the exact reverse of the
"argument by authority". Bravo.

I propose we promote the SIGIA-L list at courses for Philosophy and
The students would have tremendous material for analysis nd study.

--Boyd de Groot   

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