[Sigia-l] Decent exposure

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 14 23:53:00 EST 2007

Eric Reiss:

>> Your 3G comment was either woefully uninformed or a cheap
>> shot.
> I didn't think it was either. Thanks ever so much for setting me
> straight.

Look, there are lots of questions people have about the iPhone that remain
unanswered by Apple at this juncture. 3G is *not* one of them, as both Jobs
himself and other Apple people have addressed that. You made a statement
that wasn't based on available facts. You either didn't know, didn't care to
check or made it anyway to make a (cynical) point, again unsupported by
facts alone. Hopefully, you now know. Admittedly, I have a bias for
companies that chase after good design and I try to disperse FUD thrown in
their direction whenever I can.

So, yeah, let's move on.

Nullius in Verba 

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