[Sigia-l] Salt in Sugar

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 9 22:31:45 EST 2007

Zbigniew Lukasiak:
> There is the idea of FairSoftware promoted by Sunir Shah:

Yes, I had read that sometime ago. I have no idea where it stands. Though he
touches on some obvious OSS shortcomings, I still find it developer-centric.
It shouldn't be about the developer, the code, methods of production, the
technology, etc. It's about the end product and the user experience.

Look at the iPhone. Soon, tens of millions of people will begin to use it by
choice. Will they care that it is or isn't OSS? Of course, not. Firefox has
about 10% marketshare globally and much higher in some countries. Do people
use Firefox simply because it's OSS? Some likely do. But I bet the vast
majority doesn't care at all; it has simply been a better browser than <IE7
on its own merits. And to their credit, Firefox developers are keenly aware
of this.

Geek is uncool!

Nullius in Verba 

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