[Sigia-l] Another brand of sugar: Apple multi-touch

Andrew Boyd facibus at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 22:09:42 EST 2007

On 1/10/07, Will Parker <wparker at channelingdesign.com> wrote:
> At a guess, we'll hear some juicy-but-general details about the
> iPhone software/hardware this week, and then nothing else substantive
> until about early May. (This is, after all, Apple, not Microsoft.)
> [/speculation]

Thanks Will,

I'm just wrapping up on a project that involved providing a PDA ebook
version of a large clunky government publication as part of a range of
replacement options. My best guess (based on Apple's "no plans to
release in Asia until 2008" and the time it takes new mobile phones to
come to market here in Australia) is that it won't be an issue here
for a while yet. We should be able to leverage off the experience of
the first North American releases in terms of how different iPhone OSX
is from the desktop version - there will be some form of compressed
HTML ebook reader available no doubt, but possibly not the ones that
we've designed for here. You get that :)

Cheers, Andrew

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