[Sigia-l] Another brand of sugar: Apple multi-touch

Will Parker wparker at channelingdesign.com
Tue Jan 9 20:45:35 EST 2007

On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Andrew Boyd wrote:

> the most user-friendly part of the iphone for me is this:
> "The proximity sensor detects when you lift iPhone to your ear and
> immediately turns off the display to save power and prevent
> inadvertent touches until iPhone is moved away."
> This is one of the major failings of the o2 smartphones I've worked
> around for a lot of the last 12 months - people touch the screen with
> their ear while on a call and the phone cuts them off or goes to
> calendar or some other function.

Oh, I haven't forgotten *that* simple little earth-shatteringly  
perfect feature.

I was merely attempting to avoid telegraphing my current emotional  
state regarding the iPhone. I try not to let people know when I have  
this much drool on my keyboard.

BTW, the iPhone is a Mac OS X device, supporting probably mostly- 
standard Apple widgets which can be created using Javascript with a  
few well-documented hooks to communicate with the OS. This means  
webbish UI people can easily create widget front-ends for web-based  
services. That means chances for fame and wealth are Merely A Matter  
Of (Ajax) Programming away. (A certain High Personage in Apple's UX  
group recently recommended widget development to me as a potentially  
lucrative business; I think I now know why.)

- Will
Will Parker
wparker at ChannelingDesign.com

"The only people who value your specialist knowledge are the ones who  
already have it." - William Tozier

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