[Sigia-l] Salt in Sugar

Celeste 'seele' Paul seele at obso1337.org
Tue Jan 9 09:06:38 EST 2007

On Tuesday 09 January 2007 08:47, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> > OSS has so far been about developers. Not users and certainly not
> > designers.
> There is the idea of FairSoftware promoted by Sunir Shah:
> FairSoftware = FairProcess + FreeSoftware (/OpenSource):
> http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?FairSoftware

There are also www.betterdesktop.org and www.openusability.org whose goals are 
to improve free software via good design and better usability.

Celeste 'seele' Paul

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