[Sigia-l] Game Console Business Model (Was: WhatsWrongWithU)

James Melzer jamesmelzer at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 13:34:00 EST 2007

I doubt retailers have margins that fine. Most toy retailers double
the wholesale cost to calculate their retail price. You gotta keep the
lights on and pay the staff, after all. I don't know much about
electronics retailers, but everybody in retail has basically the same

~ James

On 2/6/07, Dave Chiu <dave at d4v3.net> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2007, at 5:02 PM, Timothy Karsjens wrote:
> > It is the business model of any console manufacturer to lose money
> > on the hardware itself and like a previous poster said, make money
> > on subscriptions and software.  Sony and Nintendo do it as well.
> Actually, I was surprised to find out that the Nintendo Wii has a per
> unit manufacturing cost of under $200, which means Nintendo is
> actually making money on their consoles, assuming a retail price of
> $250.
> http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/15/wii-manufacturing-costs-ring-up-to-
> just-158/
> Dave
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James Melzer

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